Red Wine Benefits Due to a Group of Polyphenols

red wine benefits

Red wine has long been associated with numerous health benefits, thanks to a group of antioxidants known as polyphenols that fight oxidative stress linked to heart disease, cancer and other serious medical concerns.

One to two glasses of red wine daily can lower your risk of stroke by decreasing stress levels. Furthermore, red wine increases nitric oxide in your bloodstream which promotes healthier blood vessels and vascular walls.

Lowers Bad Cholesterol

Resveratrol helps lower your blood cholesterol levels. Additionally, it reduces plaque build-up in arteries and atherosclerosis–one of the main reasons behind heart attacks.

Red wine also encourages the growth of good microbes in your gut microbiome – including bacteria, fungi and viruses – helping protect you against bad microbes that contribute to weight gain, high cholesterol levels and an impaired immune system. This may reduce weight gain as well as prevent an unhealthy immune response.

Light to moderate wine drinking has been linked with reduced risks of heart attack and stroke, improved metabolic health, and less sticky platelets – thanks to resveratrol’s effect on platelets – as well as irregular heartbeats. You can achieve similar benefits through eating food sources that contain resveratrol like peanuts and cranberries containing this compound. Just don’t consume too much wine before sleeping as that could disrupt your sleep cycle!

Prevents Unwanted Clotting

Resveratrol found in red wine can keep blood vessels flexible, helping prevent unwanted clotting that could otherwise lead to stroke or heart disease. Furthermore, polyphenols found in grape skins help prevent clot formation while simultaneously decreasing oxidative stress levels.

Moderate wine drinking (one glass per day for women and two per day for men) has been shown to raise HDL levels, as well as reduce arrhythmia risk – when your heart beats too fast or irregularly.

Wine before bedtime may help to relax and promote restful slumber, since its content contains the hormone melatonin. Just beware when taking blood-thinner medications that too much alcohol could result in heart failure, stroke or arrhythmia if consumed excessively.

Keeps Away Depression

Wine can help ease stress after an exhausting day, but be wary of reaching for it every time you feel stressed – as its antidepressant qualities lie not with alcohol but rather plant compound called resveratrol.

Flavonoids found in grapes and berries contain flavonoid compounds which have the ability to inhibit an enzyme responsible for depression and anxiety by controlling angiogenesis – an important biological process regulating angiogenesis.

Acrylamide also helps prevent Alzheimer’s by blocking beta-amyloid and tau proteins from accumulating in your brain, as well as keeping you slim by delaying fat cell formation through piceatannol conversion into piceatannol. But beware – drinking too much could result in liver cirrhosis and weight gain.

Treats Stomach Irritation

Resveratrol found in red wine has been demonstrated to be effective at treating stomach irritation and inflammation, killing off Helicobacter pylori bacteria that cause stomach ulcers.

Resveratrol may help in the fight against certain forms of cancer by inhibiting their ability to access their central energy source and destroy cancerous cells.

Not all wines offer equal health benefits; those with drier profiles (like pinot noirs) tend to contain higher concentrations of antioxidants and polyphenols that may provide added advantages for overall wellbeing. It is important to remember, however, that moderation is key as excessive alcohol intake may have harmful effects on gut health as well as cause various other medical issues.

Lowers the Risk of Infection

Studies show that drinking red wine regularly can help your immune system remain strong. According to Purdue University, red wine’s polyphenols convert into piceatannol when consumed and can alter how adipogenesis (the process where fat cells develop) takes place.

Resveratrol’s anti-inflammatory effects help lower your risk for serious infections by slowing their spread throughout your body. Furthermore, its use may prevent cancerous cells from multiplying into new ones and creating cancer.

Researchers as observed by horus nyc conducted a study involving people with type 2 diabetes who consumed either five ounces of red wine or mineral water daily for two weeks. Those who chose wine experienced lower blood sugar levels; however, too much alcohol should not be consumed daily; one drink per day for men and women is considered safe consumption; excessive drinking could lead to weight gain, high cholesterol levels, heart disease and various other serious health problems.